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I don’t have a business account and mine has been affected dramatically. I do have blog and but my blog is not my profession, it is a hobby. I was put under a ban today when I tried to use a specific hashtag and IG won’t let me. While I do this for fun, it’s extremely difficult to grow an audience that would hopefully let me make this a business venture if they are restricting what I can and can’t post. And not only are they restricting, they’re restricting tags that are relevant to my pictures. I’m beyond annoyed. Over the Christmas period I expected insta engagement to drop, but it never picked up to what it was in the months prior to that break, which had been gaining momentum.

Where my images were getting 1500-2000 average ‘likes’ they now seems to be getting around 600-700. As a result of not being seen as much, the growth increase in new followers has been far less than in the later half of 2016. I do regularly use hashtags, cycling through a bunch including some broken ones. I have been testing to see which to stop using.

I switched back from a business account to a personal one a week ago, but have yet to notice any difference in reach.So frustrating! Thanks for finding your research!. Hi Plann – I was affected 3 weeks ago and nothing has seemed to change things. On Monday, March 20, I received a push notification someone was trying to access my account in Portugal. I don’t know if this triggered it or not, but I have since changed my password 5 times and reported the “hacking” to Instagram and “recovered” my account. I have run an Ad on Facebook & IG and even that would not show up in a hashtag search. I just read over the article you linked too, but my posts will show up in NONE of the hashtag searches when I initially post them, therefore no engagement can be achieved outside my current followers.

I am hidden from Geotags/Location tags as well. I have in-app messaged Instagram, I have messaged on Facebook IG for Business, I have changed from a personal IG (I’m a freelance pastry chef/food stylist) to a Business account and back. I have slowed use (I have no entirely stopped and maybe will try that). I have NEVER used a bot or any follow/unfollow service. I post maybe 2-4 times per week and alternate hashtags-ish.

I could probably work on the alternating hashtags more, however, I see other folks using similar things (and I’ve deleted hashtags around the time of the issue on those posts to no avail) and they’re not banned (to my knowledge) or overly large hashtags. I’ve tried taking brownies to the Los Angeles Facebook offices (true story) and got shut down at the front desk where I filled out yet another form. I’ve had 5 different friends reach out to folks they know at Facebook/IG, but nothing has come from that. I’ve become horribly anxious and stressed (as it’s a large portion of my marketing strategy as a freelance pastry chef attempting to create her own dessert catering business). I actually got a brand new phone (not in an attempted fix, but just because I wanted to upgrade to the iPhone 7 Plus for the camera) a week and a half after the issue and that hasn’t helped. I’ve got a second account I’ve been wanting to start (same name as my blog) as a second and slightly different content strategy, but I’m hesitant because of using the same phone/IP that it’ll be targeted before I even get a chance to start.

I’m now at a place where I’m attempting cutting back on liking my friends posts and saying F-it and posting now as normal, as I’m about to start a huge cross country move and new journey (and.try. to be calm and zen-like in the process and not care that IG is randomly targeting people to “ruin” on social media). Just wanted to share my story/nightmare! After hearing about the shadow ban, I was so scared it would affect me. I’m a really new account, only active since October.

I hit 200 followers at the end of March and was so excited, and my following has steadily grown to 250 (this weekend). Once I heard about the shadow ban, I started diversifying my hashtags a little bit, but clearly not enough.Today, on Easter, I posted a simple photo with a caption about what I was up to today, and it only got 10 likes.

Usually my posts get between 60-100 likes, so this was odd for me. I opened an incognito window on my computer and entered one of the lesser-used hashtags that was included in the post – #phxigers – and sure enough, my post was not there. I could see where it should be on my phone when I clicked the hashtag from my account, and it was skipped over in the search, along with all of my other images.I’m totally devastated. I am just getting started, I’m a real person with a real blog and real goals. I’ve never used a bot, I post legitimate, authentic comments on so many accounts, and I am the only one who uses and engages on my Instagram account. I thought being such a small account would keep me safer, but I was totally wrong. I’m going to take a 24-hour break and see if that helps.

On Easter, I posted a makeup picture that took me an hour to take and I looked at the website and saw that the post was put on shadow ban that night. I really wanted my favorite makeup brand to see the post because I worked hard o putting it together and taking the picture and cleaning it up. They put it on ban around the time that it got 5k+ likes. It seems like they block posts that get a lot of likes ‘too quickly’.


Like I checked my post on another account that was not following mine and it showed up in the top of the hashtag. I do not understand how I would be seen as a ‘bot’ when I have had my Instagram for 6 years and I have posted a million and one selfies. I think it has a lot to do with Facebook owning it because ever since then Instagram has had a problem with engagement and the orders of people timelines.

I’ve just returned to the UK from a vacation in Southern Africa – made many new friends and, as an amateur photographer said – don’t worry, I’ll post my pictures on Instagram, you’ll be able to see the results and we can keep in touch. Posted 25 pictures over 5 days (at 5 a day) and realised on the 26th something was wrong with the 26th posting (number of responses dropped and only my followers were commenting). I’ve posted over 500 pictures since being a user, so it’s not like I’m unfamiliar with how to use the app.Further research has revealed that I have been shadowbanned and ALL of my pictures have been pulled from general search.For a Social Media application this is unforgivable – I relied on Instagram and it’s failed me big time. I doubt I’ll ever get to hook up with my new friends now – who are probably thinking I haven’t been bothered to post the photographs. After 2 days i logged in after deleted all my autorized programs for instagram.

Also i deleted all my hashtags from 10 of my latest post.I think that it works!Now i used 8 new hashtags and i can find myself under the hashtags with an other account and im safe with the test:). Only problem now is that i dont stand in populair anymore and that is new. On my account i stand in populair but with another account i still find myself under the hashtags but not under populair with 2/3 of the tags. Can someone tell me more about this?Its beter but still not how it wasSrry for my broken english.

Hi Plann Team,I’ve gone from 10k+ likes down to 2-4k likes in a matter of 2-3 days. Incredibly frustrating, especially since I can’t quite figure out why.– I haven’t used automated apps for over a year– Not a business account (I share architecture, design etc.)– I did find 4 third party apps attached to my account but have since removed them as of a couple of days ago (could this maybe take time to remove completely from my account)– I’ve now changed my password too– I don’t go on liking or following sprees– I do try to change my hashtags as much as possible but do sometimes use the key ones in my industry; #architecture #design etc. Because as you’ve stated, hashtags = growthI’m now going to hold off from posting for a couple of days in hope that my ban will be lifted.Can you provide any other explanations or ways to help lift the ban quicker?Best,A. I’ve been affected too.

Actually it happened about a month ago. I stood off Instagram for about 3 days and it went back to normal. But since you mentioned mixing up hashtags a bit, it makes sense because I’m back where I was a month ago, shadow banned again and I think it’s because I keep posting the same hashtags. I’ll lay off again for a few days. It just sucks when you see your followers dropping off. I’ve found a lot of business through Instagram so it sucks to wait. I also think business pages get affected worse because I think Instagram is trying to shove the “promote” button down our throats to reach engagement.

I am so over instagram, and their little games they play on their users. Things like this are the reason I stopped using the platform. Banning hashtags. Creating an algorithm that is based on favoritism. And now they’ve made it so you don’t even know you’ve been blocked by someone. Instead of the “this user has blocked you” message, you just get an error page, and they make it seem like the user doesn’t exist. But if you log off, and type in the name, you can see they do.

I did that with one person, when I tried to take their username, and it said it was taken. Turns out, I was blocked.